

Richard Neutra, in an unpublished article titled "Woman Makes Man Clear": "Schindler ... had a uniquely sweet smile under ... his little mustache, . . . and always seemed to intimate a little erotic conspiracy - without consequence, but promising. Schindler would hire neatly built girls from the Academy model mart... and draw them in the nude.... And he accommodated them, giving willingly, or, shall I say, yieldingly of his time at all hours ... he would .. . deeply look into eyes, prepare and serve coffee and make love, sit in cars through the small hours of the morning, or climb under the car and fix it for the lady." (Lavin 1999 p10)

Richard Neutra on Schindler: "...his creative drive in architecture was overwhelming, and he would work through nights in erotic solitude to evolve his often most complicated variations on a space-theme..." (Lavin 1999 p10)


Memorial Exhibit for R.M. Schindler, May17 through June 5 (Esther McCoy Papers, Archive of American Art, via Southern California Architectural History)

Schindler's draftsmen: Sullivan [L], Ester McCoy, Edward Lund, Vick Sautordu, Rodney Walker (source)

In a letter dated November 14, 1954, Frank Lloyd Wright wrote to John Entenza: "[Schindler] came to me as a green draughtsman, apprentice on salary--stayed with me six years--had nothing whatever to do with the Imperial Hotel plans or building--presuaded me to take on his pal in Vienna, R. Neutra." (Park and March 2002 p471) [None of this is true.]

1960: Esther McCoy's Five California Architects published

1960: Envelope from Pauline Schindler to Esther McCoy

from the Esther McCoy archives at the Smithsonian

1972: David Gebhard's Schindler published


1987-8: Schindlerfest

Held at UCLA to celebrate Schindler's centennial and resulted in March and Scheine (1993)

1995: The Republic of Austria acquires the Mackey Apartments

1996: August Sarnitz's RM Schindler Architekt 1887-1953 published

2001: The Architecture of R.M. Schindler

Goldin (2001):
  - first major retrospective
  - held at the Museum of Contemporary Art
  - dozens of photographs, 15 scale models, 12 pieces of furniture, more than 100 original drawings, and a full-scale recreation of beach-house unit from the 1937 A.E. Rose Beach Colony project

who worked in his shop

  • Gregory Ain
  • Esther McCoy
  • Raphael Soriano


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