
tips on how to use this blog

The tabs at the top of the page mark the periods of time I've blocked Schindler's life and career into. Under each of the life tabs (vienna, chicago, los angeles 1920s, los angeles 1930s, los angeles 1940s, and los angeles 1950s, etc.) you will see various headers. Vienna covers Schindler's birth in 1887 through June 1914 when he leaves Vienna for America. Chicago covers 1914 through 1920 when he moved to Los Angeles in December.

Headers marked in blue:


contain a list of items that occurred in that year, many of them related to Schindler but others related to key events in architectural history or general history that impacted Schindler. In some cases I've included special topic headers to fully address Schindler's involvement (or lack thereof) in key events. Join both cases, these headers appear at the top of a particular year or year range.

Headers marked in red:

1930: Residence for Robert F. Elliot (Los Angeles, California; built; still exists)

contain information on Schindler's built works. In other words, if it is in red, Schindler designed and built it (unless otherwise indicated such as on joint projects). Where possible, I've included street addresses (please be respectful if you visit these places in person), whether or not the structure still exists, and any particulars about the structure.

Headers marked in brown and italicized:

1915: Project for a country home in adobe for T.P. Martin (Santa Fe, New Mexico)

contain information on projects Schindler designed (or was involved in the design) but were not built. These projects are also noted in the header title as "Project for...". Projects are listed after built work for any given year or year-range.

For any structure or project that straddled a decade or time period (for example, 1929-30), I placed it in the earlier decade or time period.

Any year or year-range preceded by c. (c.1915) means circa, or approximately.

If a building or project was published during Schindler's lifetime, I include a listing  at the end of the writeup just before any photographs and/or drawings.

Where appropriate, I repeat the same factoid under multiple headings.

I've strived to include references for each of the facts listed, for example (Steele 2005 p39). To find the full reference, go to the source tab for a full listing of the references by alphabetical order. The characters p39 indicate the page, pages (p39+55), or range of pages (p39-40) that the information is located on.

Anything inside brackets [such as these] represents my thoughts, comments, and edits. Anything in brackets and highlighted [like this] represents a disagreement in the literature.

I am striving to cite all the photos I include, but I will lag in those efforts, at least initially, in favor of showing the work. Citations will be included with a description immediately beneath photos. Photos without citations mean that I don't know where they originally came from.

I am not infallible, so please be sure to check my information.

R.M. Schindler and his dog Prince (March and Sheine 1985 p6)

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